Solar lifting drinking and irrigation project in Bisdeutar community Indrawati RM 11 Sindhupalchok.

CDECF has been implementing project entitled “Solar lifting drinking water and irrigation project in Bisdeutar Indrawati RM Sindhupalchok (ISLP)” since 1 August 2024 to 31 December 2024 financial support by International Water Management Institute (IWMI) Nepal in partnership and collaborative support from local government of Indrawati Rural Municipality. IWMI Nepal and CDECF for technical facilitation and social mobilizing for Solar lifting Project. IWMI Nepal aims to implement medium-scale water-lift project with a newer sustainability approach to aid Nepal’s agricultural sector in collaboration with the local government partner Indrawati Rural Municipality on the agriculture sector, it lags due to a lack of

proper year-round irrigation facilities, even the perennial river flows just below the land in most cases. So, is the case in the agriculture sector of Indrawati Rural Municipality. Lands are left barren for 5 to 6 months due to inaccessibility to water, and dependence on rainwater has significantly reduced the crops’ yield due to uncertainty.

Concerning Restoration of REAP-supported Houses (Afno Ghar)

CDECF has been implementing project entitled “Concerning Restoration of REAP-supported Houses (Afno Ghar)” since 1 August 2023 to 31 December 2024 financial support by Helvetas Nepal in partnership and collaborative support from local government of Melamchi Municipality and Helambu Rural Municipality. HELVETAS Nepal and CDECF for technical facilitation and social mobilizing for Restoration of REAP-supported Houses (Afno Ghar) Project. The activities to be conducted to achieve the objectives are spelled out in the Funding Application-Part 1 and 2 of Afno Ghar which forms the part of this assignment. The overall objective of Afno Ghar project is “better protected beneficiay population from potential future earthquakes”. CDECF will be actively involved in implementing different activities to bring out the following outcomes and outputs of Afno Ghar:

Outcome 3,580 people have improved physical condition of living through the structural strengthening of REAP-supported houses

Outputs 649 REAP supported stone masonry houses reinforced with wooden bands are restored.

Successful Intervention Pathways for Migration as Adaptation

CDECF has been implementing project entitled “Successful Intervention Pathways for Migration as Adaptation Program” since June 2024 to June 2026 financial support by INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR INTEGRATED MOUNTAIN DEVELOPMENT (ICIMOD) and in partnership and collaborative support from. The project will coordinate with the origin point in Indrawati Rural Municipality of the Sindhupalchowk and destination point in Kageshworimanohara Municipality of the Kathamandu district.

This is especially a research-based project. It will be researched among the people who, being the place of origin point of Indrawati municipality of Sindhupalchok, left agriculture due to climate change and drought and destination point of Kageshwori Manohara municipality of Kathmandu to earn their livelihood

Technical and social mobilization support in trail bridge construction program.

CDECF has started program through the support of DDC and Helvetas/Nepal TBSU program from 2009 AD to till now. Recently supported by 6 Local government of sindhupalchok district the main objective of the program is to increase access of infrastructure facilities to rural poor communities through constructing trail and Bridge that could also help to improve socio-economic situation. Through this program, total 54 bridges are construction. The program supports for user group mobilization at community level for trail bridge construction.

Leave No One Behind in addressing Land degradation: Promoting Disability Inclusive Land Conservation Practices in Sindhupalchowk district

Sindhupalchok district is the most vulnerable district of Nepal in terms of floods, frequent landslides and soil erosion. There are various reasons for landslides and land damage. Among them, geological conditions, unorganized physical infrastructure construction, unscientific farming system and the negative impact of climate change are the main reasons. Land degradation affects everyone, but people with disabilities are at high risk. People with disabilities are among the most neglected and disadvantaged groups in the community. Their issues about development, disaster risk and climate change are rarely addressed. There are only 654 people with disabilities in Indrawati Rural Municipality. They are the most at risk from landslides. The project will support the persons with disabilities to organize themselves into groups which will be strengthened through capacity development and establishing a functional network of PwDs so that they can be engaged with local government and other duty bearers for their rights and disability inclusive development planning and land conservation practices.

The PwDs will be trained with the short term technical and vocational skills for commercial agro-forestry plantation activities such as Banana Farming, Avocado, Citrus species Organic agriculture farming, Bamboo plantation etc in the degraded land which could have multiple benefits in terms of stabilizing the degraded land and also generating income for PwDs. They will be capacitated in leadership and advocacy skills for effectively engaging in policy advocacy and lobbying with local government and public service providers to integrate their issues in community and local planning processes for disability inclusive development and land conservation practices.  The project works with local government and other public and private stakeholders for translating UN Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and Sustainable Development Goals with the motto of inclusive development and Leave No On Behind into promoting disability inclusive land conservation at community and local level. The action will set an exemplary result in engaging the persons with disability in reclaiming degraded land and promoting disability inclusive land conservation and development practices. The project reclaims about 425 ropanis of degraded lands of the project area through effective engagement of PwDs, which will be established as a demonstration plot of land reclamation managed by groups of PwDs.

Agriculture and Livestock based Enterpreneurship Development Project, Indrawati Rural Municipality

CDECF has been implementing project entitled “Agriculture and Livestock based Entrepreneurship Development Project, Indrawati Rural Municipality” since April 2023 to June 2025 financial support by Hefire project Nepal and Indrawati Rural Municipality in partnership and collaborative support from Indrawati RM for inclusive livelihood of small holder farmer of Indrawti Rural Municipality of Sindhupalchowk district. The goal of this project is to directly improve the livelihood of more than 3700 families and 100 youth by increasing their annual income. The objective

  • To enhancement of social capital and the capacity of groups will be developed in an organized manner of 3700 household, 4 youth entrepreneurs’ group, 148 self-help group and cooperative.
  • Increase entrepreneurship and productivity of agriculture and livestock from improvement of breed of goats, cows through improve animal husbandry.
  • To develop Sustainable marketing mechanism through agriculture and livestock production diversification, processing and branding.
  • To create positive environment for develop organizational mechanism of livestock and agriculture.

Community centric EWS for reducing risk of hydro-metrological disaster in Nepal

CDECF has been implementing project entitled “Community centric EWS for reducing risk of hydro-metrological disaster in Nepal” since September 2022 to July 2024 financial support by USAID/BHA and Practical Action and in partnership and collaborative support from. The project will coordinate with the NDRRMA/MoHA, DHM, and its district level line agency District Administration Office of the Sindhupalchowk district. The District Administration Office also manages the DEOC for information collection and dissemination for EWS. The other important stakeholders at the local level are the district and local representatives of the Nepal Red Cross Society (NRCS). The NRCS plays an important role in disaster preparedness and response, and the dissemination of early warning information to the communities.

The project will enhance the capacity of the communities to understand the implications of the warning information and to respond to warnings through training, awareness and preparedness, and provide support with basic materials and infrastructure needed to respond to floods and flood alerts. Similarly, the government institutions at the district and municipal levels will be supported to enhance their capacity through basic materials and display materials for communication and response.

Developing a Community Centric Early Warning Protocol for Landslide Early warning System (EWS) to build resilience of communities exposed to hydro-climate hazards in Bagmati province of Nepal

CDECF has been implementing project entitled “Developing a Community Centric Early Warning Protocol for Landslide Early warning System (EWS) to build resilience of communities exposed to hydro-climate hazards in Bagmati province of Nepal” since August 2023 to April 2024 financial support by Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and Practical Action and in partnership and collaborative support from. The project will coordinate with the NDRRMA/MoHA and its district level line agency District Administration Office of the Sindhupalchowk district. The District Administration Office also manages the DEOC for information collection and dissemination for EWS. The other important stakeholders at the local level are the district and local representatives of the Nepal Red Cross Society (NRCS). The NRCS plays an important role in disaster preparedness and response, and the dissemination of early warning information to the communities.

Open Defecation Free Campaign

Despite the gradual achievements in sanitation, still 57% of the country’s population lacks access to a toilet services. Nepal has to achieve at least 53% toilet coverage by 2015 to meet the sanitation Millennium Development Goal (MDG). Sindhupalchok district though not so far from capital of Nepal still is far behind in sanitation facilities. Sanitation coverage in whole central development region is recorded 46.1% where as Sindhupalchok district has only 32% coverage and 42nd out of the 75 district in terms of sanitation (NMIP 2010). Among the household without sanitation facilities, 44.22% households defecate openly nearby their houses. Government of Nepal has taken target of declaring Sindhupalchok as Open Defecation Free (ODF) zone till the end of December 2015. This project has been launched to improve the sanitation status of Sindhupalchok district by total sanitation approach. The project aims to sensitize and empower communities for ending open defecation and promoting improved hygiene behaviors through collective community actions. ODF status helps to break the vicious cycle of deaths resulting from fecal oral contamination cultivated amid poor hygiene behaviors. Also, the ODF campaign will develop the ownership of D-WASH-CC and V-WASH-CC, seek political commitments for planning and financing, strengthen institutional arrangements and enhance local level planning in order to back up total sanitation movement. This will then help achieve people’s access to improved sanitation and promote hygiene behavior for reducing prevalence of diarrheal diseases and promoting health condition through triggering, capacity building, sector coordination, mass sensitization, community mobilization and institutional development.

Shelter Provision for Most Vulnerables Before and During Monsoon

This project was launched after the devastating earthquake of April 25, 2015 in four VDCs (Sipapokhare, Bhotsipa, Irkhu, and Kubhinde) in Sindhupalchowk district with a major objective of constructing temporary shelters for most vulnerables and establishing community information centres (CICs) for information flow to community in this most transition period. The project is financially supported by the UN-HABITAT. A basic mission of the project is to establish at least 500 temporary shelters with two CICs.