Community centric EWS for reducing risk of hydro-metrological disaster in Nepal

CDECF has been implementing project entitled “Community centric EWS for reducing risk of hydro-metrological disaster in Nepal” since September 2022 to July 2024 financial support by USAID/BHA and Practical Action and in partnership and collaborative support from. The project will coordinate with the NDRRMA/MoHA, DHM, and its district level line agency District Administration Office of the Sindhupalchowk district. The District Administration Office also manages the DEOC for information collection and dissemination for EWS. The other important stakeholders at the local level are the district and local representatives of the Nepal Red Cross Society (NRCS). The NRCS plays an important role in disaster preparedness and response, and the dissemination of early warning information to the communities.

The project will enhance the capacity of the communities to understand the implications of the warning information and to respond to warnings through training, awareness and preparedness, and provide support with basic materials and infrastructure needed to respond to floods and flood alerts. Similarly, the government institutions at the district and municipal levels will be supported to enhance their capacity through basic materials and display materials for communication and response.